Encyclopedia Marysuenica
Pretty mercutio avatar

Mercutio is a smooth-talking and somewhat flamboyant character currently running wild in 'verse Paris. Maggie's most-played character after (or tying with) Armand, he is taken from Shakespeare's Roemo and Juliet but based almost entirely on Bereczki Zoltan's version of him in the Hungarian musical Romeo et Juliette. He and Tybalt current


Mercutio has short red hair and blue eyes. They occasionally are described as gray, not because his eyes actually change colors but because Maggie is easily confused. Tall and gangly, he has a strange sort of exaggerated grace to his rapid and wide-reaching movements. He makes grandiose gesticulations and rude gestures, and his most common facial expression is a grin. He likes to wear the color red.

His pb is Bereczki Zoltan.
